You're an explorer lost in a world covered by darkness, your last hope to survive is to hide in a strange dungeon. What you didn't expect is that darkness corrupted this dungeon too! Can you survive this madness and stop the shadows from spreading?

Explore the dungeon in 4 diferent levels! Protect yourself using the power of light, the shadows don't like it!


WASD / Arrow Keys - Movement
Space - Interact
Mouse - Move torch


This game is made for Pirate Jam and was entirely created by RickZinho.
Some sound effects were taken from the internet.


Shadow Lighting - Windows 18 MB
Shadow Lighting - Linux 19 MB
Game Design Document (not the actual game) 223 kB

Install instructions

  1. Download the right zip for your OS.
  2. Unzip the files.
  3. Be sure that the .exe/.x86 and the .pck are on the same folder.
  4. Run the game and have fun!


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Really well polished game with a fun and simple gameplay loop. The puzzle design is good and rewardingly simple. Contrary to other folks I think the HP system in place is pretty novel, since I don't think this game style rewards high difficulty challenges --- I kinda like that it's just a small visual punishment to keep the game moving. For this reason I'd let hp slowly refill after enough time passes or enough room-moves are made.

The walk animation is cute but maybe a bit too cute. Sort of simplistic? It's not bad though.

All of the lighting and particle effects are really solid and the game performs well without errors.

I think it would be nice to map the click button to the space bar action, as interaction, and it might help to increase the hitbox of the places you can pickup/drop torches to keep it fast and fun.

This is a wonderful showing for a solo game jam. Great job!

Thank you for the feedback! It means a lot to me, and I'm glad you liked my game :)

About the HP system, I'll try to see what can fit better in the game, since I want to keep the dark atmosphere.

This is really well made! Love the atmosphere. It may be a little dark for my taste (it was hard to see in my room with office lighting xD).  But the controlls and puzzles are super awesome! I loved that you can't tell how much health you have, it helps with the feeling of dread.

Thanks Schepeis, I'm happy you enjoyed it :)

really fun! I wish there way a way to see how much health you have left tho...

Hey Potato, thank you for playing my game! Actually my initial idea was to make the game colors be darker for each HP you lose, but since people don't liked it, I'll work on a better HUD ;p

The concept is nice and the puzzles are too, but I'm really not sold on making it even harder to see things that are going to hurt you every time you get hurt.

Thank your for playing my game! I thought a little visual effect should be great, but I can review this, didn't want to exaggerate xd

Really good concept. It gets surprisingly hard at the last level, but the puzzles are pretty rewarding.

Thank you! My friend said the same thing about the last level, I'll try to balance the difficulty in a future update :)